If life is the question, then what is the answer? This utterly simplistic view is absurd but rattles around the brain nonetheless in people from all walks of life. Why? We ponder the meaning of life constantly; much like a 5-year old might ask 'Why?' two dozen times in a day because, at our core, we are extremely curious creatures.
My experiences traveling have served as more of an educational medium than anything else in my life. It is only when we get not just outside ourselves but also outside our comfort zone that the opportunity for real growth germinates. Heading confidently into the personal unknown is only the beginning though; being equipped to experience, process, and learn from what follows is the skill set needed to develop one's mind from endeavors. Just like any expertise, this takes time, practice, and desire.
This interactive journal is the beginning of a discussion on life as a perpetual journey of knowledge; the kind of knowledge that not only leaves you with more questions than answers but ceases to make sense of the world around us, instead opens it up to limitless possibilities.