I don't even know him that well and here we are sitting on a log across the river, pondering our existence.
"Do you want to try to meditate?"
"Here, on this log, facing each other?"
"Yeah! Let's each think of a question then sit silently for five minutes and see where our minds go."
What followed was externally simple but internally too intimate to share. Looking forward with the river rushing under me, the sun consuming the break in the treeline above, and the strength of a long deceased redwood sustaining me, a sense of calm overtook. While so focused on internal critizism, I've failed to listen to everthing around me. I've failed to see the trees for the wood. It was really the first time I let the redwoods be part of me instead of just around me. It took a friend who's never seen them before to show me how.
As that day progressed, even work seemed like a pleasure. We sped around the back of our mountain to overlook thousands of acres of wild lands. Both of us being from the East, sights like this are a rare commodity. The conversation bounced from bigfoot to the existence of the divine in us all and many places in between. Dusk set in to the increased chorus of pacific treefrogs. We decided to start a campfire, which I initially failed at, and got on a second try. With the light and warmth radiating from the center point, the day concluded as it had passed, superbly serenely.
Day two started early, was strenuous and punctuated with a beer break and naps. Just when I found myself starting to worry that I was being a bad host, I'd let the thought go. So what. If he wanted to leave, he could. After hours of hard work we'd have to come back the next day to ride. A bit disappointing but no worries. Popping your equine cherry on a beautiful beach is worth a little wait.
That night I watched "Groundhog Day" while he snored away behind me. Never one of my favorite movies, I enjoyed it in this context. It struck a chord on this actual day of the groundhog. When every day is exactly as the one before, your happiness and well-being is entirely up to you. We have to be somewhere, might as well enjoy it. I've been in one of the great American landscapes for weeks and taken it for granted.

Getting ready for my next jaunt on the road, I stride confidently focused squarely on the Beauty. How she manifests herself, only time can tell...so why worry.
*Thank you from the reaches of my heart to all my friends and family that have helped me through these past three months.*
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