Last night, well 4 am, as I was cheerfully walking home after a fantastic night of music, dancing friends, and conversation when some guy in a beat up ute (mini pickup truck for my American readers) yelled, "F*#k'n slut" out the window as he drove by. Honestly, it more saddened me than anything. What does this guy hope to achieve from behaviors like that? Why is walking down a street, at any hour, a sluttish behavior? If I lived in a culture that showing your hair or being an unaccompanied female was abhorrent, maybe. But I don't. And frankly, I don't think anybody should. If anything, by the fact that I was walking home alone at 4am on a Saturday morning it was pretty apparent that I would be enjoying my bed solo. Maybe he found that offensive. All I can hope is that bro-charming there and his classy wheels made it home safely but does not have the opportunity to reproduce or raise more little car calling men. It made me think, can we make sperm bank donors pass an etiquette/basic human civility test? If we haven't thoroughly tested if this type of behavior is possibly inherited and not solely learned...it can't hurt. This event didn't make me feel threatened or vulnerable, as this guy was obviously just an idiot who probably shouldn't have been driving and definitely should not have been talking. In some ways he is just as much a victim as any of us for wondering about the world guided by the kind of negative ignorance that leads one to such actions. That can't be pleasant. I only wish there was a look, a song or an image that could tap into every man, and for that matter, every person's emotional memory and remind them of one time when their mother or maternal figure used her feminine strength to make them feel safe, strong, and loved. For the time being, all we can really say is, "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"Or in this situation, "Shut up and drive" would've sufficed.

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