Enter all who dare to do not dream |
In the past three weeks I have become a full-blown, totally addicted work-a-holic. It's not exactly what you think. Yes, I am quite interested in what I'm working on finishing up for this masters degree but that's not why I've fallen for the life of 9to9 days.
The real reason is because I can't wait to get out of bed and come to this beautiful building on Bourke St. Before I even get to my desk, I have to choose between getting my coffee with a side of philosophy or community development. Then from the moment I step through the big ornate wooden threshold, I'm not allowed to be a pessimist. These walls are strategically filled with individuals designing business structures around serving community needs, attempting all those enterprises frequently dubbed impossible and just generally functioning in a realm of infinite social possibility. It all blends beautifully like a stew of ideas, perspectives, skills and experience.
One of Alexar's fabulous Sunday night dinners |
Since taking up a space at Hub Melbourne, I have met more inspiring business trailblazers in three weeks than I have in my past 22 months in Melbourne. I've been learning everything from Persian proverbs to genetic algorithms from Alexar, a web developer. I've been learning how you force people to be social by redesigning urban spaces as well as how to brand myself and start a profitable blog from Tatyana, a feisty urban planner. I've had numerous intense economic discussions with Sam, a consultant and badass musician. Those are just some of the regulars that I have the pleasure of sharing my study break conversation with. Every week there's new people and heaps of great events and networking opportunities. It's not normally about business but I know that all I need is to ask for some direction and I shall receive.
This coffee card sits on my desk with me now, for good reason. |
While I know what I'm capable of from my years of getting myself into pickles around numerous countries and contexts, the question of personal value is still something I struggle with. This place seems to understand that through sheer mental osmosis. All these happy, driven and successful people have more faith and confidence in me than I do. That's just the way they are. That's just the way this place is. That's the way you get shit done in life. I'm surrounded by people who don't take shit and and get things done, and mostly enjoy life along the way. This is exactly where I need to be.
As I get closer and closer to being finished with this last academic transformation, I feel like it's time to decide what 'growing up' means to me. It means figuring out how to mostly know what's next, why you're doing what you're doing and generally structuring your days around your values (and not the other way around). Here that isn't only possible, it's imperative.
Look Mom, I'm growing up...and crazy enough, I think I kind of like it!
**For more information on Hub's take on co-working & creative collaboration community check out more info at
http://hubaustralia.com/ or come in for one of the tours.
'fabulous Sunday night dinners' couldn't be described better ;)