Sunday, April 20, 2014

We Are, By Nature...

If life is by nature the nature of the natural world we exist in
Do we simply occupy the nature of that around us?
Or are we subject to the nature of such life
Should the forces of nature be applied to us?
Are we not, by nature, one of those forces?

Definitions and Perspectives
are that which nature withholds its wrath
   or rather
Are a wrath beyond the grips
Is it man that unanimously ascribes
   himself above the laws of life?
The ultimate Faustian developer
  surpassed our Mephisto guide long ago
Now moving faster than the speed of destruction
On an unstoppable trajectory?

If life is -by nature- 
   governed by the principles on which it all turns
Then are we.... 
   as natural as a flame at the end of its fuel?