Saturday, May 24, 2014

Open Letter to My Father

This is an open letter to my father
Dearly departed
This world, this time
So many things I wish I could have told him
Not that I didn’t try
It just couldn’t really sink in
Maybe for lack of listening
Or maybe I just never figured out how
In another time, with a different voice
Here are some of those things:
Love more, buy less
Close your eyes and listen harder
You might see a world you’ve never known
Your father was right
The best Girlscout leader is a Boyscout leader
Because anything the XY can do a double X can do
Not better, not worse, just different

The world is not against you
The twisted cells that overtook your body
Were not karma, they were negativity
A spirit out of balance, looking for answers
In late nights clutching a guitar at some dirty DC bar
Tea for two till midnight
While your wife and baby are at home
You didn’t mean them ill
You just can’t feel what that’s like
Empathy a four letter word
In a world with only two, M.E.
These truths have cut us deep

You’ll never admit it
Because we believe what we need
Laying in the trenches while you bleed
Saying tis but a scratch
This moment till the last
Self preservation, such a powerful thing

But you never fully realized
Your greatest accomplishment
And amazing gift
That you helped create
Two strong, beautiful, creative, loving daughters
But when things got tough
You weren’t sure what it takes to be a father
Wanted your freedom, your space, your money
And that’s fine, those things are yours
We have our own potential
And we know that
Because we were raised right
But you weren’t sure how to love
Be there, listen, care, apologize
And mean it
I can only wish you more time
To find these things
In the depths of your own mind
Who knows why anything happens
How long we have
How to make the best of it
I just wish we both meant the same thing
When we said I love you
And I wish you well
I wish I could tell you
In a way to make you
Not just understand
But know, hear, feel
That love is not a possession
And support is not a quantity
I love you for choosing
The wonderful woman who birthed me
I love you for your
Your father and all he embodied
I love you for
The love of music we shared
I love you for showing me
That six figures alone
Cannot buy happiness
I love you for
Making me a girl
Then making me question the validity of that
Every day of my childhood
‘Cause now I know
The amazing power of resilience

The saddest part of all this
Is that you are still here with us
The other side of the world
But just as close as you ever were
Sitting across a café table
Telling me my feelings are wrong
And that your low platelet counts
Aren’t that big a deal
They are, as they are with any of us

There isn’t much time
Honestly, there never was
You remain closed off
To the regenerative power
Of listening, learning, giving
Grasping at proverbial
Motorcycle parts
In an attempt to rebuild a new youth
But the parts just aren’t there
So it will never run right
My question to you is
Are you man enough
To ask for help
When you realize
It will never run right

the way it is

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Donkey Wheel House: A Magical Vortex of Possibility

Enter all who dare to do not dream
In the past three weeks I have become a full-blown, totally addicted work-a-holic. It's not exactly what you think. Yes, I am quite interested in what I'm working on finishing up for this masters degree but that's not why I've fallen for the life of 9to9 days.

The real reason is because I can't wait to get out of bed and come to this beautiful building on Bourke St. Before I even get to my desk, I have to choose between getting my coffee with a side of philosophy or community development. Then from the moment I step through the big ornate wooden threshold, I'm not allowed to be a pessimist. These walls are strategically filled with individuals designing business structures around serving community needs, attempting all those enterprises frequently dubbed impossible and just generally functioning in a realm of infinite social possibility. It all blends beautifully like a stew of ideas, perspectives, skills and experience.

One of Alexar's fabulous Sunday night dinners 
Since taking up a space at Hub Melbourne, I have met more inspiring business trailblazers in three weeks than I have in my past 22 months in Melbourne. I've been learning everything from Persian proverbs to genetic algorithms from Alexar, a web developer. I've been learning how you force people to be social by redesigning urban spaces as well as how to brand myself and start a profitable blog from Tatyana, a feisty urban planner. I've had numerous intense economic discussions with Sam, a consultant and badass musician. Those are just some of the regulars that I have the pleasure of sharing my study break conversation with. Every week there's new people and heaps of great events and networking opportunities. It's not normally about business but I know that all I need is to ask for some direction and I shall receive.

This coffee card sits on my desk with me now, for good reason.
While I know what I'm capable of from my years of getting myself into pickles around numerous countries and contexts, the question of personal value is still something I struggle with. This place seems to understand that through sheer mental osmosis. All these happy, driven and successful people have more faith and confidence in me than I do. That's just the way they are. That's just the way this place is. That's the way you get shit done in life. I'm surrounded by people who don't take shit and and get things done, and mostly enjoy life along the way. This is exactly where I need to be.

As I get closer and closer to being finished with this last academic transformation, I feel like it's time to decide what 'growing up' means to me. It means figuring out how to mostly know what's next, why you're doing what you're doing and generally structuring your days around your values (and not the other way around). Here that isn't only possible, it's imperative.

Look Mom, I'm growing up...and crazy enough, I think I kind of like it!

**For more information on Hub's take on co-working & creative collaboration community check out more info at or come in for one of the tours.